Please DO NOT flush sanitary wipes, feminine hygiene products, medications, trash, metals, plastic, fats, oils, and grease (FOG), chemicals, and paper products, even if labeled as "flushable," down the drain.
Drop off your EPS foam (styrofoam) and your old appliances and electronic devices this Saturday (January 15) at Extremis (239 Northland Dr NE) from 1pm-4pm.
One security guard license was issued by the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) in Iosco County during the fourth quarter, an increase over the same quarter of the previous year.
After a hectic few weeks here at Blandford, we want to take a moment to focus on something positive and express our gratitude for our volunteers and the incredible amount of support they provide.
We were very disappointed to have to postpone the Christmas Train Event in December, but are excited to announce it has been rescheduled for this Saturday, January 8th.
Village residents are invited to recycle live Christmas Trees behind the Department of Public Works Garage located at 276 W Division Street (next to the Sparta Police Department).